How to Learn Dental Billing
So you’ve just decided that you want to work in dental billing but there’s a little bit of a problem…you don’t have any experience. Maybe you’ve worked in a dental office but only at reception, maybe you’re a recent graduate and are looking to break into the industry, or maybe you have experience with billing but not specifically dental billing. Where on earth do you start? Luckily, many resources are available, and here are a few examples of how to learn dental billing.
On-the-job training
Most companies require experience before you’re hired but there are some that are willing to offer on-the-job training. Essentially, you will be hired as a trainee and, during an initial trial period, receive an introductory course on dental billing which will, hopefully, lead to a role as a dental biller. This is a bit like being thrown into the deep end and your choice is to either sink or swim. The training may be minimal and you may be placed in the role before you feel ready. If you’re tough enough you’ll make the cut and continue to gain knowledge through experience.
In the Classroom
There are various options for classroom-based courses in dental billing. Some of these are taught at community colleges while others are completed through career colleges (community colleges are non-profit while career colleges are profit-based). Often these courses can be expensive and, with that, comes a certain degree of risk as there is no guarantee that you will find a dental billing job after completion.
Online Courses
Thanks to the internet, courses that used to require in-class instruction, such as dental billing, are now taught online. There are multiple options available and are a good alternative to in-person courses as they’re generally less expensive and usually self-paced so they can work around your schedule. One you may want to consider is Introduction to Dental Coding and Administration from Dental Zing. This comprehensive course is perfect for someone who’s just getting started in dental billing as it covers a range of topics from CDT codes, to ADA claim forms, to billing clean claims and avoiding coding and administration errors.
Believe it or not, YouTube is a good source for learning dental billing with a range of instructional videos available, including a number of helpful ones from the ADA. Just search for a topic you’re interested in, like “dental coding” or “dental billing,” and you’ll find many recordings to choose from. Keep in mind, anyone can upload to YouTube so make sure it’s a reliable source, like the ADA, to ensure that what you’re learning is correct.
Instructional Books
If you’re more of a self-paced learner there are also a number of instructional books available. You can check your local library or, if you’d like something to have on hand at all times, there are several titles available for purchase. You can find multiple options from Practice Booster in both hard copy and e-book form. With titles such as Dental Coding with Confidence, Dental Documentation with Confidence, and Dental Administration with Confidence you should be well covered.
With all these options, you’ll soon learn all about dental billing and be well on your way to a career as a dental biller. Once you’ve gained experience, consider applying at eAssist, as we are always looking for dental billing experts to join us as Success Consultants.