5 Dental Billing Resources
Dental billing is an ever-evolving process thanks to changes in insurance regulations, updates to CDT codes, and technological improvements. As a dental biller, it can be challenging to keep up with these changes, especially when working remotely. Luckily, several assets are available to help you stay on top of the billing process, and here are five dental billing resources.
Online Courses
Continuing education is an essential key to keeping up with dental billing, and there are numerous online courses available. If you are a member of AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Managers), they have several options, such as Dental Terminology and Office Manager 101. Another excellent resource is Dental Zing, which offers various courses centered around dental billing. If you’re starting in your role, the Introduction to Dental Coding and Administration Series is an excellent place to start. If you’re already established in the role, consider the Advanced Dental Billing 7 Course Series.
If you are interested in web-based learning but don’t have the time and resources to attend an entire course, there are numerous webinars available to participate in. AADOM offers an extensive webinar library, although you need to be a member to view them. Dental Zing also provides free webinars on specific topics, and their upcoming Exploring the 2024 CDT Code Changes is an excellent way to keep up with CDT codes. In addition, Henry Schein offers numerous free webinars on YouTube that specifically address dental billing issues, such as 3 Claim Denials that Impact Revenue.
This one may seem out of left field, but thanks to the group feature, Facebook is actually an excellent, free resource for dental billers. Many groups are dedicated to office management, dental coding, and even remote dental billing. These social groups allow billers and managers from all over the country to share guidance about the many aspects of dental billing with each other. If you have a specific question about billing, coding, insurance, and more, a Facebook group is an excellent place to start.
Educational Websites
Although dental billing is a niche field, several educational websites offer insight into the billing process. If you have coding questions, the ADA (American Dental Association) is an excellent resource. Check out their coding education site for videos, articles, and more on CDT coding. Another great resource is Dr. Bicuspid, which offers insight into the latest news and updates in dentistry. The site has several articles that pertain to dental billing and may provide answers to your billing questions.
Reference Books
Online education can be convenient, but sometimes it helps to have a physical resource for reference. Practice Booster offers a series of educational books that cover various aspects of the dental billing process. An essential is Dental Coding with Confidence, which has just been updated for 2024. In addition, there’s Dental Administration with Confidence and Dental Documentation with Confidence, which provide additional resources for the dental biller.
In the constantly changing world of dental billing, it’s best to keep on top of things, and these five dental billing resources will help keep billers knowledgeable and up to date, whether they work remotely or in the office. If you are a dental biller looking to work remotely, consider applying at eAssist. We always seek dental billing experts to join us as Success Consultants.